



  • Accurate survey samples
  • Advanced mathematical analysis models
  • Knowledge and expertise of staff members
  • Innovative research methods and techniques
  • Experienced focus group moderators
  • Eye tracking measurement system for web usability and advertising research
  • High level analysis and reporting research data



  • 600 part time interviewers covering all regions of Romania
  • Fully equipped focus group facility
  • Computer-Aided Telephone Interviewing (CATI) studio
  • Capacity for running qualitative research (i.e. focus groups) in every city or village throughout the country)


Irsop Know-how

Market research and consultancy books
written by the IRSOP manager

Market Research

Petre Datculescu (2006)
Bucharest, Brandbuilders, 664 pages

Sold out

Practical market research

Petre Datculescu (2013)
Bucharest, Brandbuilders, 813 pages

Consultancy and management: solutions for economic downturn

Petre Datculescu (2015)
Bucharest, Prior, 407 pages